Self Publishing Links

SelfPublishing Tip Book
Self Publishing
Self Publishing
Stick to one Field or Theme in your Publishing
The Publishing Dos
What is a Book Coach?
Am I a Publisher?
Some of the Bestselling Self Published Book Topics
Self Publishing Fiction
Always Know your Competition
Choose a Memorable Company Name
Enter Self Publishing Contests
Developing a Reputation
Establish a Family Tradition
Following in the Footsteps of Some Great Authors
Look at the Experts and Learn from Them
Naming Your Self-Publishing Company
Motivations to Self Publish
Self Publishing Statistics
It's not Easy
Self Publishing Heroes
Will Reviewers Look at my Self Published Book?
Research and Fact Checking
Selling Your Book to a Publishing House
Book Binding.
A Simple Book Binding Technique
Case Binding
Chicago Screw Binding
End Leaves of a Book
How to Find A Book Binding Company
Layflat Binding Technique
Perfect Binding Technique
Planning your Book Binding
Saddle Stitching Your Self Published Book
Smythe Sewing Binding
Spiral Binding Your Book
Tape and Staple Binding
Adhesive Case
Foil Stamping
Binding Decisions
Time To Split
Keep Count Of Your Copies
DIY Book Binding
A Tale Of Templates
The E-book Alternative
Cover Yourself
Paper Chase
Metric Paper
A Tale Of Templates
Book Design.
Copyright and Book Design
Holding Your Book
Indexing Your Book
PDF Text Conversion
Country of Origin
Don't Forget the Back Cover
Finding a Professional Book Jacket Designer
Professional Book Jacket Design
Can I Use Camera Copy?
Is White a Color?
One Column or Two?
Books, Type, and Microsoft Word
Headings in your Text
Reading Type Online and in Print
Text Margins
What is a Page?
Book Editing
Get Hold Of A Ghost
Proofreading Tips
Why Your Word Processor Can't Be Your Editor
Book Editors and Content Editing - A Key Skill
Professional Book Editing
The Purpose Of Proofreading
How To Choose A Book Editor
Self Publishing Success With A Freelance Book Editor
With A Little Help From My Friends
How To Avoid Plagiarism
Hire an Editor
How To Avoid Plagiarism
Book Editors and Content Editing - A Key Skill
Professional Book Editing
Book Financing
Can I Support Myself by Self-Publishing?
Generate Income to Help with the Self Publishing Cost
Book Investments
Book Overruns and Book Underruns
Creating a Budget
Payment for Late Delivery of Your Books
The Real Cost of Self Publishing
Book Marketing Services
Book Marketing – The Google Way
Cooperative Book Marketing
The Amazon Email Buzz
Book Marketing Methods
Going Local With Book Marketing
How To Market Your Rep
Tip Top Book Marketing
Take Your Marketing Outside
Online Marketing
Book Marketing Methods
Readers Radio
Some Book Marketing Services
Using Book Marketing Services
Basic Wholesale Book Distribution
Book Printing
Does Book Size Matter?
Use a Traditional Printer who Uses Digital Technology
Color Printing
POD Printing is Expensive
Printing For Kids
Paper Weights Explained
Looking Trim
ISO Paper
Publishing And Printing
An Imposing Story
Book Printing Choices
Preparing For Book Printing
A Matter Of Choice
Does Book Size Matter?
The Cameron Belt Press
The POD Publishing Myth
Using 20 Pound Paper
Watch the Paper Grain
Why Not Deal With a Local Printer?
Shopping for a Printer
Get Proof
Bound Galleys
Adding Text Color to your Trade Book
Color PQN
Digital Advantages
Digital Color Printing
Digital Printing Galleys
Digital Printing is the Wave of the Future
Digital Printing Weaknesses
Halftone Reproduction
Printing Color Text on a Digital Printing Press
Print Quantity and Selling
Book Printing Choices
Preparing For Book Printing
A Matter Of Choice
Reprinting a Book
Sheetfed Printing
Standard Trim Sizes
Text Color for your Self Published Book
The Book's Signature
Printing For Kids
Children's Books
Just Kidding About Genres
Illustrating Children's Books
Children's Self-Publishing Resources
Children's Self-Publishing Decisions
Publishing Basics for Children's Books
Publishing Basics for Children's Books
Just Kidding About Genres
Illustrating Children's Books
Working With A Children's Illustrator
Self-Publishing For Children
A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words
Early Reading For Children
Children's Self-Publishing Resources
Children's Self-Publishing Decisions
Self-Publishing Or Trade Publishing For Children
Layout Design for Children's Books
Comic Books
Self publishing your comic book.
Reasons for Registering the Copyright
Book Copyright Placement
The Copyright Symbol
Is Copyright Registration Necessary?
More on Book Copyrights
Do You Copy?
Cover Design
Book Cover Color Design
Book Cover Design Ideas
Take Cover
Do Judge A Book By Its Cover
A Blurb For Your Book Cover
Book Cover Bleeds
Book Cover Design Proofs
Book Cover Design Tip
Book Layout and Design
Book Spine Width
Is a Professional Book Cover Designer Really Necessary?
The Cost of a Book Cover
Film Laminating your Cover
Getting Help With Cover Design
Book Cover Design Software
Book Cover Images
Professional Book Cover Design
Book Cover Sales Copy
Book Cover Design Ideas
Take Cover
Professional Book Cover Design
Getting into Ingram
Small Book Distributors
Don't Forget Art & Craft Sales
Book Distribution Options
Choosing A Book Distributor
Amazon Distribution And Listing
Selling POD to Borders
Selling Through Barnes & Noble
Beyond the Bookstore
Sell at Fund Raisers
Time To Fly
Going Wholesale
To Market, To Market
Book Distribution Options
The Reason For Book Distribution
Local Book Distribution
Choosing A Book Distributor
Amazon Distribution And Listing
Exploring Distribution For Self-Publishers
Getting your Book into Gift Stores
The E-book Industry Has a Lot to Offer New Authors
The International Digital Publishing Forum
Publish an E-book
EPIC Author's Association
Creating an E-book
How to Design a Successful E-book
How to Choose an E-book Maker
Improve The Image of An E-book
Designing an E-book Cover
Choosing Between a Distributor or Publisher
The Long Game
Definition of an E-Book
Watch out for Internet Scams
Choosing Between a Distributor or Publisher
Ebook Comments and Reviews
ISBNs Turn 13
ISBNs Abroad
Number of ISBN's Needed
ISBN Barcode Tip
Transferring an ISBN Book Number
Buying your ISBN
What are ISBN Numbers?
Bookland EAN Barcode
ISBNs Turn 13
How To Use ISBNs
ISBNs Abroad
What's an ISBN and Should a Self-Publisher Get One?
How to Self Publishing Your Magazine
Four Crucial Steps You Must Take to Self-Publish Your Music
Planning Your Book
Keep a Journal as You Write
Book Acknowledgements
Write a Purpose Statement
The Author Preface
Get Hold Of A Ghost
Do You Copy?
Hire a Book Coach
Writing your Book
Create an Outline
Proofing your Book
Create a Business Plan
Don't Forget to Revise your Book!
Coming up with Ideas for Your Self Published Books
Overcoming Writer's Block
Promotion Ideas
Write General Articles
ABC of Books
Book Marketing Ideas
Look Beyond the Bookstore
Send Out News Releases
The World is your Store Front
Try a Book Fair
Using Regional Magazines
Why is your Book Different?
Write Articles About your Subject Matter
Excellent Book Promotion Idea
Get The Media Involved
Hold a Book Reading
Hold an Autograph Party!
Interview on a Radio/TV Show
Learn From the Street People
Mail Flyers Promoting Your Book
Marketing to Trade Magazines
Ongoing Book Marketing
Print Extra Copies of Book Covers
Are you up to Working Alone?
Getting a Business License
Free Self Publishing Promotion
Social Book Promotion
Getting "Blurbs" or Quotes for your Book
Free Self Publishing Promotion
Social Book Promotion
Getting Your Feelings Hurt
How to Do Street Marketing
Market in your Old Hometown
Market your Book as a Premium
Newspaper Special Sections
Syndicate your Writing
Tie your Book to National Events
Don't Spend a Fortune on an Effective Press Release
Donate Books to Charity Auctions
Donate your Time to Charity, Too
Author Booksignings
Bartering for Promotion
Book Reviews
Bookmarks and Other Promotional Printing
Create a Contest for Your Book
Develop a Show or Discussion Around your Book
The Book Market Map
Creating a Book Marketing Plan
Direct Mail Advertising
Reasons To Self Publish
Getting Into Trade
Self Publishing Skills
Self Publishing Lessons
More Reasons to Self Publish
More Reasons to Self Publish
More Reasons to Self Publish
Reasons to Self Publish
Reasons to Self Publish
It's Your Baby
Why do you Want to Self Publish?
Quickly to Market
Profiting From Self Publishing
Getting Into Trade
Self Publishing Skills
Saving Time With Self Publishing
Publishing Family History
Self Publishing Lessons
Making The Old New
Self Publishing Rights
Self Publishing Advantages
Learning Experience
100,000 Power Phrases
Educate Yourself
Subscribe to Writing Magazines
1001 Ways to Market Your Book
Advice on Marketing Your Book
Publishing Basics - Guide for the Small Press and Independent Self Publisher
Beyond the Bookstore: 101 Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book
Learn about Self-Publishing
Learning Experience
Self Publishing Companies
Copyright Questions
The Long Game
Self Publishing With Amazon
On-Demand Publishing Advantages
Evaluating On-Demand Publishers
Publishing Company Book Sales
Publishing an E-Book
Book Royalties
Ghostwriting With A Publishing Company
On-Demand Publishing Advantages
Evaluating On-Demand Publishers
On-Demand Book Contracts
Publishing Company Book Sales
Publishing an E-Book
Publishing Poetry
You have the Power to Revise
You own the Book's Rights
Authorhouse Account Set up
Vanity Anthologies
Copyright Questions
Read Between the Lines
Self Publishing Events
How to Find the Best Self-Publishing Conventions
How to Find the Best Self-Publishing Education Online
Enter Writing Contests to Promote Your Self-Published Book
Self Publishing News
Three Famous Authors Who Self-Published (and How They Did It)
Selling Online
The Key To Online Book Sales
Thor Distribution Program
Downloading a Book via the Internet
Using Email To Sell Your Book Online
Online Book Sales With Article Marketing
The Key To Online Book Sales
Keyword Research For Online Book Sales
Sell Your Book On The Web
A Teasing Trailer
Online Book Sales With Book Previews
Searching Inside Your Self Published Book
Online Sales – The E-book Way
Your Book In Review
Sample Chapters at Amazon
Sell Two Ways Through Amazon
Submitting to Amazon
Join Online Bookstore
Web Site Design
Self Publishing Reasons
Bowker's Books
It's in the Numbers at Amazon
Self Publishing With Amazon
Tips and Methods for Self-Publishing Your Software
Top Self Publishing Apps
4 Apps That a Self-Publisher Needs
Definition of a Subsidy Press
The Big Lie
The Difference Between a Subsidy Press and a Vanity Press
Avoid Vanity or Subsidy Presses
Avoiding the Vanity Press Trap
Definition of Vanity Press
Subsidy Press vs. Vanity Press
Vanity Presses Set the Price for Your Book
Self Publishing Newsletter Archive
Time To Fly
Your Book In Review
Online Sales – The E-book Way
Searching Inside Your Self Published Book
Online Book Sales With Book Previews
A Teasing Trailer
Sell Your Book On The Web
Keyword Research For Online Book Sales
Online Book Sales With Article Marketing
Using Email To Sell Your Book Online
Vanity Anthologies
Exploring Distribution For Self-Publishers
Local Book Distribution
The Reason For Book Distribution
To Market, To Market
Online Marketing
Take Your Marketing Outside
Tip Top Book Marketing
How To Market Your Rep
Going Local With Book Marketing
The Amazon Email Buzz
Cooperative Book Marketing
Book Marketing – The Google Way
Write General Articles
Self Publishing Advantages
Self Publishing Rights
Making The Old New
Self Publishing Lessons
Publishing Family History
Saving Time With Self Publishing
Profiting From Self Publishing
With A Little Help From My Friends
Self Publishing Success With A Freelance Book Editor
How To Choose A Book Editor
DIY Book Binding
Keep Count Of Your Copies
Time To Split
Binding Decisions
Book Cover Sales Copy
Book Cover Images
Book Cover Design Software
Getting Help With Cover Design
Enter Self Publishing Contests
Choose a Memorable Company Name
Always Know your Competition
What is a Book Coach?
The Publishing Dos
Stick to one Field or Theme in your Publishing
Self Publishing
Some of the Bestselling Self Published Book Topics
Printing Color Text on a Digital Printing Press
Halftone Reproduction
Digital Printing Weaknesses
Digital Printing is the Wave of the Future
Digital Printing Galleys
Digital Color Printing
Digital Advantages
Color PQN
Adding Text Color to your Trade Book
Look Beyond the Bookstore
Write Articles About your Subject Matter
Why is your Book Different?
Using Regional Magazines
Try a Book Fair
The World is your Store Front
Send Out News Releases
Print Extra Copies of Book Covers
Ongoing Book Marketing
Marketing to Trade Magazines
Mail Flyers Promoting Your Book
Learn From the Street People
Interview on a Radio/TV Show
Hold an Autograph Party!
Hold a Book Reading
Excellent Book Promotion Idea
Get The Media Involved
Perfect Binding Technique
Saddle Stitching Your Self Published Book
Smythe Sewing Binding
Finding a Professional Book Jacket Designer
ABC of Books
Standard Trim Sizes
Authorhouse Account Set up
A Simple Book Binding Technique
Book Investments
Book Overruns and Book Underruns
Coming up with Ideas for Your Self Published Books
Creating a Budget
Do You Copy?
Does Book Size Matter?
Get Hold Of A Ghost
Hire a Book Coach
Getting a Business License
Payment for Late Delivery of Your Books
ISBN Barcode Tip
ISBNs Abroad
ISBNs Turn 13
Bookland EAN Barcode
Number of ISBN's Needed
What are ISBN Numbers?
Transferring an ISBN Book Number
Is Copyright Registration Necessary?
More on Book Copyrights
Reasons for Registering the Copyright
Getting into Ingram
Small Book Distributors
Watch out for Internet Scams
Definition of an E-Book
Publish an E-book
Print Quantity and Selling
Sell at Fund Raisers
Selling POD to Borders
Selling Through Barnes & Noble
Getting your Book into Gift Stores
Publishing Basics for Children's Books
Publishing Basics for Children's Books
Layout Design for Children's Books
Hire an Editor
100,000 Power Phrases
Educate Yourself
Learn about Self-Publishing
Publishing Basics - Guide for the Small Press and Independent Self Publisher
Subscribe to Writing Magazines
1001 Ways to Market Your Book
Bowker's Books
Downloading a Book via the Internet
Sample Chapters at Amazon
Submitting to Amazon
Web Site Design
It's in the Numbers at Amazon
Join Online Bookstore
Self Publishing With Amazon
Sell Two Ways Through Amazon
Thor Distribution Program
Using Book Marketing Services
Some Book Marketing Services
Basic Wholesale Book Distribution
Readers Radio
Book Cover Bleeds
Book Cover Color Design
Book Cover Design Tip
Book Layout and Design
Book Spine Width
The Cost of a Book Cover
Book Copyright Placement
Generate Income to Help with the Self Publishing Cost
Avoid Vanity or Subsidy Presses
Subsidy Press vs. Vanity Press
Avoiding the Vanity Press Trap
Definition of a Subsidy Press
Definition of Vanity Press
The Difference Between a Subsidy Press and a Vanity Press
The Big Lie
Vanity Presses Set the Price for Your Book
Developing a Reputation
Establish a Family Tradition
Following in the Footsteps of Some Great Authors
It's not Easy
Keep a Journal as You Write
Look at the Experts and Learn from Them
Motivations to Self Publish
Naming Your Self-Publishing Company
Self Publishing Reasons
Self Publishing Statistics
The Long Game
Shopping for a Printer
The Real Cost of Self Publishing
Get Proof
More Reasons to Self Publish
More Reasons to Self Publish
It's Your Baby
More Reasons to Self Publish
Reasons to Self Publish
Book Acknowledgements
Don't Forget to Revise your Book!
Reasons to Self Publish
Quickly to Market
The Key To Online Book Sales
Publishing Company Book Sales
On-Demand Publishing Advantages
A Matter Of Choice
Amazon Distribution And Listing
Choosing Between a Distributor or Publisher
A Tale Of Templates
Printing For Kids
Copyright Questions
Learning Experience
Children's Self-Publishing Decisions
Getting Into Trade
Professional Book Editing
An Imposing Story
Professional Book Cover Design
Book Distribution Options
How To Avoid Plagiarism
Book Marketing Methods
Preparing For Book Printing
Self Publishing Skills
Publishing an E-Book
The Author Preface
Write a Purpose Statement
Writing your Book
Don't Forget Art & Craft Sales
Beyond the Bookstore
Watch the Paper Grain
Overcoming Writer's Block
Self Publishing Heroes
The Copyright Symbol
Is a Professional Book Cover Designer Really Necessary?
Indexing Your Book
Copyright and Book Design
Donate your Time to Charity, Too
Donate Books to Charity Auctions
Don't Spend a Fortune on an Effective Press Release
Create a Contest for Your Book
Use a Traditional Printer who Uses Digital Technology
Film Laminating your Cover
Will Reviewers Look at my Self Published Book?
Are you up to Working Alone?
Create a Business Plan
Book Cover Design Proofs
Foil Stamping
Reading Type Online and in Print
Bound Galleys
Advice on Marketing Your Book
Beyond the Bookstore: 101 Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book
Am I a Publisher?
Can I Support Myself by Self-Publishing?
Create an Outline
Proofing your Book
Self Publishing Fiction
Why do you Want to Self Publish?
Holding Your Book
Publishing Basics for the Self Publisher
Publishing Basics for the Self Publisher
Christmas is right around the corner
So you are thinking about Publish America?
Publishing Basics Newsletter - October Issue
Writers Beware! It`s a Minefield Out There.
Publishing Basics Interview with Jan Nathan
July Issue -Publishing basics Newsletter
Life Tips on Self Publishing
Self Publishing Frequently Asked Questions
What is a page?
What margins should I use for my text?
How do I prepare my text for the printer?
Can I still use camera copy?
Is there an alternate way to sell books through Amazon?
Will Borders sell my POD book?
How many books should I print?
How do I utilize trade publications when promoting my book?
How do I submit my book to Amazon?
What is a book cover bleed in printing?
What type of book cover proof will I receive?
How do I come up with a good book cover design?
What about the back book cover design?
How well do book covers in color print?
What are end leaves?
What is the best binding for a cookbook?
What is perfect binding and should I use it for my book?
Should I use saddle stitching for my book?
What about spiral binding for my book?
What is a Chicago Screw type book binding?
What is the tape and staple type of book binding?
Where can I find a book binding company?
Should I plan my book binding early in the publishing process?
Can I bind my own books?
What is the Smythe sewing binding?
What is case binding?
Should I have my book cover and or jacket professionally designed?
What is the 4th Step towards successful self publishing?
How do I figure the spine width of my cover?
How can I get a worldwide ISBN number?
Should my book have an index?
What size and format should I use when I plan my book design?
Can I use existing graphics in my book design?
Do I have to state which country the book was printed?
Should I hire a professional book jacket designer?
How can I find a professional book jacket designer?
Does white count as a color on my book layout design?
Do children's books have a different layout design?
Should I layout my book with one column or two columns on each page?
Are there books available that tell me how to design my text and graphics in Microsoft Word?
Are some fonts easier to read online or in print than others?
Should I use headings in my text design?
How much does book cover design cost?
How can I partner with to sell more of my books?
Is it a good idea to market directly to large chains like Barnes & Noble?
How does make marketing a book easier?
Are there other places to market my book?
Where are some places besides bookstores where I can sell my book?
What is the ABC of marketing a book?
Does NO ever really mean YES?
How do I reach customers on the Internet?
How do I seek out other forms of book promotion?
Why do people say "NO" when you are trying to promote your book?
What are premium sales and why should I target them?
Should I target special sections of the newspaper when I market my book?
How can I use national events to help market my book?
Should I market my book in my old hometown?
Should I try to get some famous people to write a quote recommending my book?
Should I write articles about subjects other than my book?
Should I try to syndicate a column in my subject area?
How do I promote my book using other spin-off products?
How can I get the media to help promote my book?
Do I need to spend lot of money preparing a press release to market my book?
How can I use bookmarks to help sell my book?
Why should I have a web site to help market my book?
Why is ongoing book marketing important for my book?
Are author book signings a good way to market and sell books?
Why should I print extra book cover design copies?
How do I get someone to write a book review about my new book?
How to I promote my books myself, by having an autograph party?
How do I promote my book using the media and the airwaves?
What can I learn from the street people about sales?
How do I use press releases to promote my book myself?
Who do I sell my book to?
How do I utilize book fairs to promote books myself?
Should I market my book at art & craft fairs?
How can I use a book distributor to help market my book?
How can I distribute my using book marketing services?
How do I get Barnes and to carry my books?
How can I get Ingram to sell my book?
What is the Book Market Map and how can it help me market my book?
Why should I use Readers Radio in my book marketing plan?
How do I use direct mail advertising to promote my book myself?
Should I create a marketing plan for my book?
Should I use book marketing services for my book?
What are some of the services book marketing services provide?
Why should I target regional magazines when I promote my book?
Why should I write articles highlighting information in my book?
Why is your book different?
Should I donate books to charity auctions?
Should I donate some of my time to local charities or non-profit groups?
Should I barter with others for my book or for services?
Should I hold a book reading for my book?
Should I put together a show or discussion about my book's contents?
Should I sell my book at fund raisers?
Should I give my book away in a contest?
Should you submit a sample chapter or sample pages to Amazon?
What type of book proof is sent to book reviewers?
What are the strengths of digital printing?
Can I run a short run color book cost effectively?
What is the downside of digital printing?
How can I test halftones reproduced on a digital press?
Can full-color children's books be printed digitally in low quantities?
Can I efficiently add color print to my text?
Can I print my galleys digitally?
Is digital printing really that popular?
Should I use a digital printer with experience?
What is a four-color process for manufacturing books?
When is it good to print on a sheetfed press?
Do I need to pick a standard trim size for my book?
Can I print color pictures in my book cost effectively?
Would using 20 pound bond paper for my text save me money?
Can I use a local printer to print my book?
How many books should I print?
Is a second printing of my book any cheaper?
Should I use POD for my book?
Is the paper's grain important in the finished book?
Is POD printing cost effective?
What is a book's signature?
What is a Cameron Belt Press?
Should I have my cover film laminated?
Where does the copyright page appear, and what information appears on it?
Where do I find the copyright symbol on my computer?
Do I need to register my book with the US Copyright office?
How is my book copyrighted?
What are the advantages of officially registering my copyright?
How do I get an ISBN assigned to my book?
What are the ISBN barcode numbers?
How many ISBN's do I need?
Do I own my "assigned" ISBN number?
What is the Acknowledgements page?
Should I add an author Preface to my self published book?
Why is research and fact checking important when I write my book?
Why should I write a purpose statement?
How are ISBN numbers used?
What is a Library of Congress Catalog Number (LCCN)?
Who are some famous authors who first self published their books?
Where can I get ideas for writing more self published books?
What type of self publishing books sell the best?
Will reviewers look at my self published book?
How can I beat writer's block?
How much will I have to invest in my self published book?
Do I have to pay for extra books if there is an overrun?
Do I have to pay for books if they are delivered late?
How much can I earn if I sell my book to a publishing house?
What kind of a budget should I set when I self publish a book?
What is the first step of successful self publishing?
What is the best way to learn about publishing a children's book?
Should I use a fulfillment center?
Where do I find help writing my book?
Should I subscribe to writing magazines?
Should I hire a book coach?
Do I need to hire a book editor?
Should I enter self publishing contests?
Why do I need to know what other books are competing with mine?
Do I need a business license?
How can I create a memorable business name?
Why should I read "100,000 Power Phrases"?
Is "Beyond the Bookstore" a good title for marketing and promotional information?
Is "Publishing Basics" a good investment?
Should I read "Publishing Basics for Children"?
Can I really write and publish a book in only 30 days?
Why is Dan Poynter an expert on self publishing?
What is a book coach?
Do I really need a business plan?
Can I really work alone all the time?
Should I revise before I reprint?
Should I only publish books in one field or area?
Am I a real publisher?
Can I make a real living as a self publisher?
Why do you want to self publish your book?
Do I really need to create an outline?
Should I have other people proofread my book, too?
Should I consider using a vanity press like AuthorHouse?
How can I avoid dealing with a vanity press?
What is the definition of a vanity press?
Is there a difference between subsidy presses and vanity presses?
Who sets the price for my book when I use a vanity publisher?
What is a subsidy press, and is it a real publishing company?
How do I find a reputable book publishing company?
Am I self publishing my book when I publish with a subsidy publisher?
How can I make sure I don't sign a contract with a subsidy book publisher?
What is an e-book?
How can I spot a self publishing company scam?
Why should I look for a royalty publisher?
Why should I self publish my book?
What are some to self publishing pros and cons?
What are some good reasons for self-publishing?
What are some self publishing statistics?
Why does self publishing give me freedom?
How long does it take to self publish?
Can I leave a legacy by self publishing my book?
Can I really compete with the big publishers when I distribute my book?
How do I own all of the book's rights?
Is it easy to self publish a book?
How long have authors been self publishing their books?
Can I revise my book if it's published by another publisher?
What is the real cost of self publishing your book?
How can I develop a reputation as an expert in my field?
Can I create lasting memories for my family with my self published books?
How can I publish my book cheaply?
What experts should I look to for self publishing information?
How can I raise money to fund my self publishing cost?
What is the best thing about self publishing a book?
Should I keep a journal of my experiences as I write my book?
Is using adhesive case a good idea?
What is a book marketing service that is extremely helpful?
Why should I mail out post cards and contact customers about my book?
What is the best book marketing tip for my book?
Is POD color printing available?
What is POD?
Where can I find good advice on marketing my book?
Is "Beyond the Bookstore: 101 Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book" an insightful book?
Is self publishing fiction successfully a fictional concept?
How can I find a good printer?
Should I get proofs?
How can I be sure that when I use a publishing service to do this myself, it's legitimate?
Can I set up an account on behalf of my mother who is an elderly woman of 80 and totally computer iliterate?
Why do some ISBNs have 13 digits?
How can I get an ISBN for my book if I don't live in the US?
How can I get my book written and published if I'm not a writer?
Who owns the copyright to my ghostwritten book?
How can I promote my self published book for free?
How can I use social bookmarking to promote my self published book?
What sizes are modern paperback books?
How long should my ebook be?
Can I sell my self-published book or ebook through Amazon?
What should I name my publishing company?
Does the publishing industry treat print and e-book authors the same?
What is The International Digital Publishing Forum?
sell an e-book, contract, Internet, writers, EPIC, publishing
What Types of E-books should I publish?
How to I Design a Profitable E-book?
How Do I Choose a Good E-book Maker?
How to I Create a Good Image For My E-book?
What E-book Cover Format Should I Use?
Should I release my book through a publisher or distributor?
What types of books do child book publishers handle?
Do I need an illustrator if I am self publishing a children's book?
How does a child book illustrator work?
Why should I self publish my children's picture book?
What age are children's picture books aimed at?
What are early readers?
What resources do I need if I am planning to self-publish a children's book?
How should I decide what type of children's book to self-publish?
If I self-publish a children's book, does that rule out trade publishing?
Where should I get ideas for the cover design for my self-published book?
Why is cover design important for my self published book?
What should I include on my book cover?
Do I need a blurb for my self-published book?

Not finding the advice and tips you need on this Self Publishing Tip Site? Request a Tip Now!

Guru Spotlight
Joe Wallace