Perfect Binding Technique

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What is perfect binding and should I use it for my book?

Perfect Binding Technique

Perfect book binding is also called adhesive binding or softback binding. The perfect binding machinery applies the paper cover to the glued book-block, squares it off, and trims the three other sides to make the final book. Perfect binding is the process of applying glue to the spine of a book and applying a cover.Note that the most important part of the process is the "grinding unit"— this makes the difference between a good commercial perfect bind and the POD type binders.

The perfect binding technique is fairly expensive bookbinding, most self-publishers use it, and almost any book binding company is equipped for this technique. Stores like this binding because they can display the book spine-out, saving them valuable shelf space. Perfect binding works best for paperback novels, telephone books, brochures, business reports, etc.—it is effective and considerably inexpensive.



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