How to Find the Best Self-Publishing Education Online

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How to Find the Best Self-Publishing Education Online

The world of self-publishing has opened up opportunities for millions of writers all over the world. Since there is no publishing house gatekeeper, and the barriers to entry are low, almost anybody can get their book published in either electronic or printed formats. However, you might need a little bit of help to get started, so an online class or webinar might be helpful, convenient, and provide just the right information that you need to get your fiction or non-fiction book published.

Go Directly to Publishing Platforms

You can hardly think about self-publishing without thinking of the platforms and tools that Amazon provides with CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing. You can use CreateSpace to publish physical books that can be printed on demand. KDP is for publishers who want to sell electronic versions of their books on Amazon.

Both of these platforms provide helpful online guides with all of the basic information that you will need to turn your document into a book, and you can access them for free. Of course, other self-publishing platforms also provide good online classes and guides, but Amazon is the busiest provider in this niche.

Writer's Market Publications

Writer's market guides like Writer's Digest help authors find a market for their books. In the past, that mostly consisted of listing publishers who were interested in publishing books and articles. However, Writer's Digest has expanded to include the booming self-publishing market. The company provides many different online classes for writers who want to know how to create and market their work.



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